When you get away from the bright lights of cities, you can see the stars and planets and galaxies much better. US Highway 65 in the Louisiana Delta, with its table-flat terrain, and distance from metropolitan areas, offers many opportunities to pull over, lean your seat back, and gaze up in to the heavens. It is not uncommon to see shooting stars as you simply drive along the highways in this area. METEOR SHOWERS The best way to watch meteors is simply to lie back comfortably and watch attentively in all parts of the sky.
Meteors Meteorites = http://seds.lpl.arizona.edu/nineplanets/nineplanets/meteorites.html Meteor Calendar: http://www.imo.net/calendar The science and history of the a Perseid meteor shower: http://www.earthsky.org/skywatching/tonightssky.php?date=20060731 http://www.earthsky.org/faqs/browse.php?s=Skywatching&c=Space