East Carroll Parish HOW DELTA 65 GOT STARTED... The East Carroll Cultural Tourism Initiative has launched a multi-county effort to create a tourism corridor along Highway 65, which runs through northeastern Louisiana from Lake Providence through Waterproof. Sister Karen Flaherty recalls, "The importance of the 65 Corridor became apparent to me when Sister Barbara Berg and I drove down 65 South from Lake Providence to a little past Waterproof." The Tourism Initiative member continues, "We marked all the places along the way that we thought tourists would be interested in visiting." The list included destinations like Hermione House, Winter Quarters, Lake Bruin , and Duck's Nest. "The next day we plotted everything we thought would be inviting and helpful to tourists on a map," said Flaherty. "I happened to meet Mike Rome [from the Louisiana State University Extension Service]. We were talking about economic development for East Carroll Parish, and I told him about the map. He suggested meeting with Donna Lee [an LSU colleague] and Kay Lynn Tettleton, the area agent for community and economic development for LSU. "During our first meeting, we realized that this area along Highway 65 had untapped resources that needed to be developed, and we decided to get more people involved." At the next meeting, representatives from East Carroll, West Carroll, Madison, Tensas and Concordia Parishes were invited. "All of us want our parishes to profit from the traffic on 65," said Bobbie Facen, Executive Director of the East Carroll Cultural Tourism Initiative. "Between 5,000 and 8,000 cars and trucks pass through Lake Providence every day. That is probably true in the towns and cities south of Lake Providence too. We don't want them to pass through, we want them to stop!" Current plans for the Highway 65 Tourism Initiative include posting signage along Highway 65 alerting travelers to nearby destinations. The Initiative also plans to create a network of tourism businesses that will cross market other tourism destinations along the highway. To learn more about the Highway 65 Tourism Initiative, contact the East Carroll Parish Cultural Tourism Initiative by email at b.facen@eastcarrolltourism.org or by phone at 318-559-5200. EVENTS IN EAST CARROLL PARISH>> LINKS TO MORE INFORMATION ABOUT EAST CARROLL PARISH: Police Jury List of East Carroll Buildings on the National Register of Historic Places: NELA - http://www.nelea.us/parishes/EastCarroll.asp http://www.eastcarroll.net/home.htm http://www.rootsweb.com/~laeastca/index.htm East Carroll Parish Sheriff's Office Web Site: http://www.ecsheriff.com/index.php |