Frogmore Plantation
11656 U.S. 84, Frogmore (near Ferriday)
Tel: 318-757- 2453
Rand McNally’s “Must See.” “Cotton Then & Now” ... guided tour. Extensive Southern history, 1700s to today. 1,800-acre working cotton plantation. Furnished slave cabins; Smithsonian quality, antique steam gin; 19 historical buildings. New computerized gin & farming operation. Scheduled dates with music. Also new tour: The Plantation Civil War—eye-opening PowerPoint plus guided or audio tour relating social, racial and political causes of the war and changes on plantations to owners and slaves. Hours vary by season (call or check website). MC, V, AE, D; HC
Cotton picking and ginning mid-September through October 31. Selected by Rand McNally as a “MUST SEE SITE.” Contrast 1800's historical methods (drag a sack through the fields if you like) and the computerization of today’s farming and ginning. Rare, historical steam cotton gin, slave cabins, plantation store and modern cotton gin.
Twenty minutes west of Vidalia/Natchez on U.S.84
or 45 minutes east of Pineville, LA - take La. 28 to U.S. 84 East
Admission $15 adults, $5 students 6–18 yrs.
11656 U.S. Hwy. 84, Frogmore, Louisiana 71334 (near Ferriday)
For Hours of Operation call 318-757-2453 or view
Historical -- Educational -- Agricultural -- Industrial

Frogmore has received the Louisiana Tourism award and has been featured in Country Discoveries magazine, AAA Southern Traveler, Louisiana Cultural Vistas, and other magazines. Frogmore has even been in Public Broadcasting System documentaries!
Come see what we've got at Frogmore!