Email: povertypoint@crt.state.la.us Where it is: 15 miles west of highway US 65 on the banks of Bayou Macon in West Carroll Parish, near Epps. What it is: This may be the earliest civilized site in North America, and is considered one of the most significant archaeological finds on the continent, with artifacts dating to 1000-2000 B.C. It has a complex of Native American ceremonial mounds built between 1700 and 700 B.C., and a museum and guided tours interpret a native culture that once flourished on this site. Tram runs daily. Telephone: 1-888-926-5492. This is considered one of the most significant archaeological finds in the country and maybe the most spectacular and best preserved in the world. Ancient Mounds Older than Egyptian Pyramids Indians first built mounds in Louisiana in 4000 B.C., making them among the oldest in the Western Hemisphere. Louisiana has mounds older than the pyramids in Mexico and South America, older than Stonehenge in England and older than the earliest pyramids in Egypt. Mounds are found throughout Louisiana, but are most concentrated in northeastern and central Louisiana. Archaeologists from around the world have used Louisiana's mound sites to better understand ancient hunter-gatherer societies. With more than 15,000 prehistoric and historic archaeological sites, Louisiana delivers a unique opportunity to learn about some of the world's first peoples. Each fall, the Louisiana Division of Archaeology hosts a Louisiana Archaeology Week featuring special lectures, leading experts, exhibits, and more. Visitors may also want to request a copy of the "Ancient Mound Sites of Louisiana," brochure from the Louisiana Division of Archaeology by calling (225) 342-8170 or via email at archaeology@crt.state.la.us. For more information on these ancient mound sites contact Andrea Arnold at Williams Creative Group via email andrea@williamscreativegroup.com or by telephone at (318) 227-1515.
Poverty Point Mapping Project - http://www.tulane.edu/~kidder/Poverty%20Point/PPMaprpt.html http://www.crt.state.la.us/parks/ipvertypt.aspx Events held at Poverty Point: http://www.crt.state.la.us/parks/calendar/sportsman.htm |